about ports australia

Ports Australia is the national peak body representing government and privately owned ports

Ports Australia is the peak body representing the interests of the Australian port industry. It serves as a national voice and plays a crucial role in advocating for policies and initiatives that promote the growth and development of Australian ports.

Ports Australia brings together various stakeholders, including government entities, industry members, and representative bodies, to ensure that Australian ports are at the forefront of environmental, safety, and security matters. Ports Australia brings all these groups together for collaboration to ensure that our ports are not only in compliance with relevant regulations but go above and beyond to ensure the best outcomes.

Support Australian ports to be sustainable and efficient gateways to international and national trade.


To provide leadership, advocacy, and support in areas of common interest related to Australian ports.

Port Entities
Associate Members
International Members
Strategic Objectives
Member Services
  • Provide advice on emerging and ongoing regulatory developments
  • Facilitate an environment to network and exchange information on issues impacting and opportunities for the port industry
  • Support the development of industry guidelines where appropriate
  • Build and maintain effective relationships with Government, industry and other peak bodies
  • Build and maintain Ports Australia’s reputation as the voice of the sector
  • Contribute to shaping industry policy
  • Protect and build on the social licence of ports to operate
  • Promote awareness of the contribution of ports to the society, economy and environment
Member Services
  • Provide advice on emerging and ongoing regulatory developments
  • Facilitate an environment to network and exchange information on issues impacting and opportunities for the port industry
  • Support the development of industry guidelines where appropriate
  • Build and maintain effective relationships with Government, industry and other peak bodies
  • Build and maintain Ports Australia’s reputation as the voice of the sector
  • Contribute to shaping industry policy
  • Protect and build on the social licence of ports to operate
  • Promote awareness of the contribution of ports to the society, economy and environment

Government and Regulatory

Continue active participation and advocacy on numerous government and industry advisory bodies. Strengthen relationships across government and opposition at a national and state level, particularly with parliamentarians whose electorates include ports. Respond to proposed reforms to ensure that appropriateness and sustainability for the sector; and support the ports in their implementation.

Resilience and Sustainability

Support Australian ports in their preparedness and approach to environment, planning and sustainability matters, including decarbonisation. Assist with the operational resilience of the sector and supply chain, including in cybersecurity and in response to emerging risks. Facilitate strategic asset management and infrastructure resilience amongst the sector. Encourage capacity, capability and diversity for the maritime sector workforce.

Reputation and Engagement

Improve public awareness on the role of Australian ports and the interconnectedness of the international supply chain. Strengthen the reputation and standing of the Australian port and maritime related industries.

Supply Chain Efficiency

Enhance sector networks and exchange of leading practice information. Support Australian ports and government in their preparedness and approach to supply chain digitalisation and harnessing technology. Advocate for and support greater efficiency of the supply chain.

Ports Australia is one of Australia’s oldest industry representative bodies. What began as a series of meetings between the Port Authorities around the country in the early 1900’s eventually led to the creation of an Association to represent the collective interests of the Ports, and eventually to the establishment of a secretariat in 1972. The organisation has grown throughout its time to meet the needs of its members, and to advocated on behalf of Ports to get the best outcomes not only for the maritime industry, but for all Australians and the Australian economy and supply chain.

Many issues face the Maritime sector today and Ports Australia continues the traditions of its origins by facilitating the meeting and collaboration of Ports and their staff from around the country. Knowledge sharing remains a core tenant of the organisation and the Maritime sector is stronger for the expertise brought by those who work in it.

Today, Ports Australia consists of over 800 Working Group members, 21 Full Port Members, 45 Associate Members, a knowledgeable Board made up of representatives from our Port CEOs, and a dedicated team of staff.